Fashion Designer Courses, Uncategorized

Fashion Designing Courses Are Not For Females Only

There is a fine line between what can be defined as feminism in today’s world versus what is right. Many people including a large number of women believe that when it comes to a certain matter or issue a large group of people tend to take it a little too far. Let it be the ban on exposure of certain female anatomy on the internet (Instagram) or upon the usage of gender-exclusive terms like the policeman, the public always finds a way to inflate and exaggerate the subject. While Female Searches for Best Fashion Designing Institute in Chandigarh, male students also have the interest in the same. This is why when we speak of a number of employment or work-related opportunities for individuals the topic again has the propensity to lean in a gender-centric direction. Did you know that up until a few years ago the employment of women in the financial sector was solely low due to their gender status? But boys are also equivalently searching for Best Fashion Designing Colleges in Chandigarh. And that even today industries like art, fashion, textile or interior design and even cooking (with chefs like Sanjeev Kapoor, the late Anthony Bourdain and Gordan Ramsey on the forefront) are considered more suitable for women rather than men. Who decides what profession which gender can do optimally or would excel at?

Best Fashion Designing Institute in Chandigarh

The simple fact of the matter is that a change of outlook especially in our society would go a long way when it comes to shattering such blatantly obvious gender-biases. Time and again we have come across such brilliant work from male artists. Fashion Designers like Yves Saint Laurent (YSL), Alexander McQueen, Sabyasachi Mukherji and Manish Malhotra are visionaries from different eras and have been breaking common stereotypes by creating masterpieces. According to a general trends report men searches for Best Fashion Designing Courses in Chandigarh more than the women count. But the question still remains, why are more men not inclined towards joining artistic arenas or the world of fashion? The answer can be many reasons like a basic sense of security and timely pay that comes from a regular job, the fear of being mocked especially in a society like ours or being considered less imaginative/creative due to gender profiling.

When it comes to fashion or any other creative career option the most important thing to remember is a deep longing for infusing more beauty into this world and being passionately attached to ones work. Best Fashion Designing Institute in Chandigarh i.e. IIFD building great career in Fashion Designing despite of gender factor.  No artist can fully thrive without a sense of exploration or wonder and why would those traits ever be limited to a woman only? Male students good at art can take up painting or sketching and even photography to explore their interest in Fashion Design like their female counterparts. In case of jobs for men, there is no dearth of those in the Fashion sector and therefore not just meant to encourage the employment of women. Many male-female Fashion Designer duos have taken this trade by storm recently like Falguni & Shane Peacock or Shyamal & Bhumika, paving a way to instill more power to young boys when it comes to designing or fashion. Further, the same type of training would be required from an institution like IIFD (Indian Institute of Fashion & Design) to join the Best Fashion Designing Colleges in Chandigarh. If a child gifted with an artistic sensibility is given the right set of tools and propelled in the correct direction, male or female, they could do wonders.


Fashion Designer Courses, Uncategorized

Benefits of Studying Fashion Designing Course

Fashion designing is the latest trend and this is very famous course among today student. Most of the student chooses these courses for our career. Nowadays fashion designer more famous and take more salary compare to another student. Fashion designing is creating new designs for the clothes and accessories to create more attractive and beautiful. There are a number of art schools and design schools that offer degrees in fashion designing. This degree does not complete in our country but lots of fashion designers walk out a country to make our career bright.


There is no degree or certificate course of becoming a fashion designer, however, that doesn’t build the achievement any easier. To become a fashion designer, you will have to have a variety of sewing, art, Painting, drawing and design skills, a knowledge of the fashion industry. If you are creative, stylish and imaginative then fashion designing is the better career option for you.

Now, days you can see various fashion designer colleges and university that provide this course. Most of the students take admission in these colleges. Every state of India has many fashion designer school and college. Here are best fashion designing colleges in Chandigarh share information about fashion design course.

Salary and Employment Outlook:

Today fashion designers are paid the high payment for design new cloth for celebrity. Fashion designers held 21,500 of the nation’s jobs in 2010. Fashion designers have earning annual income is the very high package. As an independent fashion designer earning higher and creative and business control. An independent fashion designer earns greater money compare to who is the employee in any company.

Flexible working Schedule:

There is no one degree or education is not required to become a fashion designer. However, in this field, you have to skill of creativeness and artful. Some formal education such as computer-aided design and artistic rendering courses can help you execute your job more effectively. Today a lot of the companies are hiring lots of the fashion designer. Now’s days you pay more as a fashion designer.

Diverse Staffing Locations:

Fashion designers are hired to work well with apparel companies, design firms, clothing retailers, manufacturers and wholesale outlets. A fashion designer is also making our personal showroom for sale or created product. You can also find some fashion designer in the dance companies, the entertainment industry, theaters and on TV and film sets. Fashion designer makes our designer or dresses and sells in the very high range in the market. A fashion designer is more pay for dresses in the film industry. If you are a personal fashion designer for any celebrity or taken it is great for your career.

Startup Potentials:

Now time a fashion designer is easy to our work for use of computers tools. Combining high definition photography with an online storefront empowers a talented designer to make a virtual sales space instantly and professionally. Today a fashion designer sells our product by making fashion online sites. Today a fashion designer uses modern technology, to create upcoming designers and independent brands can use their clout to build a client base through social media connections.

Source: Benefits of Studying Fashion Designing Course

Fashion Designer, Fashion Designs

5 Key Steps To Becoming A Professional Fashion Designer

The work of fashion designer is fascinating but no less hard. Although a specific degree is not required to practice as such, it is essential to have the proper training to become a true professional. If this is your dream and you still do not know where you need to start, here is how it shows you how to be a fashion designer.


Steps to follow:

1.To become a fashion designer, the main thing is to acquire an education and develop a series of skills in the field. Therefore a good idea to begin to dive into this world is taking classes in fashion designing and, if desired, to enroll in best fashion designing colleges in Chandigarh. A fashion designer must know how to sew professionally, and this includes doing it by hand and with industrial machines. Through a rich training, you will also be able to expand your knowledge about the different types of cloth and about great designers of history, and you will learn to make graphics scripts. Once you have obtained your diploma in fashion designing in Chandigarh or other related studies, it is recommended to carry out an internship period to gain experience and make professional contacts.

2. Being a fashion designer means that you decide on a specialty, that is, that you choose the type of clothing you want to design in the future. At the beginning, you will design what they send you to get experience and earn some money. However, as you become a professional you must choose a path to follow: haute couture, sportswear, casual? Likewise, afterward you must opt for different sub-areas that will narrow your specialization; for example, men’s clothing, women’s clothing, and clothing for theater or cinema, accessories, gala clothing, etc. To make these decisions think, in addition to your preferences, about your strengths and weaknesses. What is better for you? You should also find out what are the results of each of these preferences in the labor market because you have to make sure you can live with it.


3. Before venturing to become a fashion designer you have to take into account a series of necessary features that should accompany your personality to not fail in the attempt:

  • Love fashion
  • Do not be afraid of uncertainty
  • Manage well in situations of stress
  • Accept criticism
  • Be very disciplined
  • Support long periods in solitude or isolation
  • Support a possible economic instability

4. The next step is to look for work in the industry. To create a portfolio with some of your best designs and send them along with your resume to film studios, theaters, fashion firms, costume stores, among others. You should probably insist a lot at the beginning and even work for the minimum wage, but this will give you experience so that you can opt for more important positions in the future.

5.On the other hand, you can also consider opening a business with which to sell your own designs. If this is your idea, do not stick to a physical store, but open your mind to modernity and value opening an online store, which will save you a lot of money by not having to rent a place.